It’s Here…Happy Holy Play Day!!!

I am tremendously excited about what this day will bring.

Thank you for your support in introducing Holy Play: The Joyful Adventure of Unleashing Your Divine Purpose to the world. The book has been published and will be shipping copies soon. (My copies will be arriving later today!)

Though I have emphasized purchasing Holy Play on this day and your asking family and friends to do the same, I hope you spend some time, as well, thinking about your purpose and some of the questions I raise in earlier blog entries. Take the “Holy Play Challenge” located elsewhere in the blog. Take time to become clear about what it is you really want to do now in life.

By God’s desire and grace, the choice is up to you, and you have it in you to imagine and create your most adventurous purpose. Do it; I dare you. Lean into who you are; lean into your unique purpose. You were born to play and soar! We all are!  

Remember to order your copy of Holy Play TODAY at

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